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Articles for sale: Guide to Buy Unique Articles

Content marketing is a marketing approach to attract audiences, ultimately creating profitable customer action. Content comes in many shapes and forms and can include blog posts, blog articles, infographics, videos, case studies, etc. Great content draws the attention of the customer. The internet has many such articles for sale; why do you need to buy unique articles? This article provides a guide.

The Content Marketing Insitute highlights several faults that can hurt your content marketing. Listed below are a few key ones:

  • Too often, content marketers put 20% of their budget toward content creation and 80% toward promoting that content. Reverse this allocation. Great content will promote itself.
  • Content marketers cut & paste. Unfortunately, it isn’t very smart to do so, as this article will explain.
  • Content marketers regurgitate the obvious with many experts simply re-stating each other.

So, in summary, a lot of content is duplicated and distributed. Duplication of content is bad and has terrible consequences. This article aims to answer questions on this topic, specifically:

  • What is a unique article?
  • Why is duplicate content bad?
  • How to check for duplicate content?
  • How to protect unique content?
  • How to buy unique articles?
  • Where can I buy unique articles?

What is a unique article?

Articles for sale: Buy unique articles

There are many aspects to defining a unique article. Most simplistically, it can be defined as content for which no duplicates exist. On the internet, each page has a URL (Unique Resource Locator), a unique address for it on the web. When duplicated content appears word for word on more than one page on the internet, that is where the problem arises. Unique content can also be defined as content different from any other content on the web in its views, insights or other. Creating unique content needs time and is more complex than simply putting together a few words. Thankfully such unique content is also significantly rewarded by search engines.

Unique articles which are also search engine optimized (SEO) contribute significantly to increased traffic to sites they reside on.

Why is duplicate content bad?

Search engines such as Google and Bing continuously index content in the background on the internet, which then helps people easily search this content. However, when these search engines encounter duplicate content, they find it difficult to figure out which one to use, resulting in all duplicates being impacted, with sites suffering search rankings and traffic losses.

Of course, any additional work done on this duplicated content, such as SEO, will be wasted.

How to check for duplicate content?

Articles for sale: Buy unique articles

There are many tools available to check whether your article is unique or not. For example, Grammarly* or Copyscape* tools will give you all the duplicates if they exist online.

When buying content, make sure you do a check, else you will be wasting your money on useless content.

Some freelancers may sell you content that previously existed on the internet, re-using posts from their portfolio. The internet maintains a history, and it is very easy to find such content. Use the Wayback Machine. Beware of people trying to sell you cheap content.

How to protect unique content?

There is no guaranteed method to protect unique content as the internet is an evolving domain with new technology coming up every other day. We have found some success using tools to,

  • Protect our site from being copied, for example, this page. Traditional techniques of copy and paste will not work on this page.
  • To prove that we are the author of this content, we use a service such as Digiprove*. Take a look at the bottom of this page to see the proof for this article.

To implement such protection, talk to your technical team.

How to buy unique articles?

It is essential to have a well-defined set of requirements for the articles you want before you start looking for them. That helps narrow down the search. You are also a better judge of the quality of the articles if you know what you want.

Here are a few tips to help you buy unique articles.

Articles for sale: Tips to buy unique articles

Articles for sale: Buy unique articles

Your ideas

According to the Content Marketing Institute, “Ultimate failure can happen at the start of the content creation process, the ideation stage”, leading to 4 out of every 5 articles failing. If you get it wrong at the start, all work you do on it later is wasted. Therefore, it is recommended you work out your idea first up. Choose your topic wisely.

Know your customer

It is best if you choose topics related to your customer. In addition, it helps if you answer questions, such as:

  • What are the trending topics in your business domain?
  • What keywords is your customer searching on?

You may procure additional data to guide your decisions, such as the volume of searches and others. Again, many tools help give this information.

Articles for sale: Buy unique articles
Articles for sale: Buy unique articles

Engaging content

The reader of your content will find it fascinating only if it is targeted toward them. Answer questions your customers have or introduce them to new concepts, insights or other interesting information in your business domain to keep them engaged.

Credible sites

It is advisable to check out the writers you buy your articles from. Many sell pre-written articles or even create custom content. Beware of cheap writing services. Check out our blog article that answers the question, “Do I use writing services?”.

It is common to ask writers for a sample of written content in the market. Asking for this is OK for traditional usage of this content for flyers or newsletters and other print or offline media such as user guides, case studies etc. However, this is not sufficient for blog posts or articles, the primary purpose of which is to draw in readers online. The simple proof you can ask for here is “send me keywords for which you rank on the internet”. Once you receive this, type a keyword in one of the search engines such as Google and see if their site appears on page 1 of the search results. That is proof enough that their writing will serve you well.

Articles for sale: Buy unique articles

Most such sites that rank on page 1 of search engine results will have blog articles. So, you do not need to ask for samples to check out their writing. Instead, a browse through their blog will serve as a showcase.

Where can I find unique articles?

Articles for sale: Buy unique articles

There are many online platforms where writers sell their wares, such as and other freelancing sites. As explained previously, beware of such sites. Quality writing is a skill, and it takes time to learn. Unfortunately, many writers are under pressure to produce a large amount of content in a small amount of time. The result is that they churn out copy after copy of low-quality articles that are barely worth reading. These will damage your search rankings resulting in further loss.

Moreover, anyone can write articles. One does not need any qualifications or certifications to do content writing. You can find a lot of writers offering this. So, it becomes a tedious and time-consuming task to judge the best from the rest. Check out our article that discusses this further.

One of the positive aspects of this content writing industry is that you can buy unique articles from the comfort of your home. You don’t have to go anywhere or meet anyone in person. Everything is available online. is one such site to get started. You can browse and buy pre-written articles. If these articles do not satisfy your need, you can request custom content.

In conclusion, writing a good blog post takes time and effort, but it is well worth it if you want to drive traffic to your site. The internet is full of content, with more than 1 billion websites on the internet today. If you’re going to stand out from the crowd, get unique articles.

Buying unique content is a great way to maximize your ROI. You can find high-quality content for a reasonable cost. Buying unique content online is not as difficult as you may think.

* We do not endorse any tool mentioned in the article. Furthermore, we do not receive any payment to mention any tool.

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